Implementation Science at UW

Training in implementation science

PhD in Global Health, Metrics and Implementation Science at the University of Washington

The Department of Global Health, in collaboration with the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation and Health Alliance International, have developed a PhD program in Global Health that is the first of its kind, building on the expertise of faculty in the areas of metrics and implementation science. The PhD program provides students with the latest and most innovative tools to advance global health solutions that are critical for decision-making and priority setting.

In this unique interdisciplinary program, students develop skills through a combination of didactic courses, seminars, and research activities including primary data collection and analysis. The PhD program is comprised of a core curriculum in advanced quantitative methods, epidemiology, population health measurement, impact evaluations, and implementation science methods.

To learn more about the program, its structure, and curriculum, please visit:

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Photo of UW students in the shape of a "W" on the Husky Stadium field.


What is implementation science? What is metrics? Watch this video to hear from Global Health students!

Dr. Deepa Rao speaking to global health students.

Students in a global health classroom.

Dr. Nelly Mugo speaking to global health students.

School of Public Health student presents research in poster session.

Current UW Courses in Implementation Science

G H 307 Introduction to Implementation Science for Global Health (5 credits)
Instructors: M. Mugambi, A. Means

Introduces the concepts, theories, and methods of implementation science in global health. Through team-based learning approach, students will acquire and use knowledge to solve problems, answer questions, and make decisions about selecting, adapting, disseminating, implementing, and scaling evidence-based interventions. Special topics include quality improvement, deimplementation, capacity building, and sustainability.

Recommended Coursework: G H 101
Offered: Spring

G H 535 Advanced Methods for Global Health I (4 credits)
Instructors: B. Weiner

Introduces advanced methods for global health including implementation science theory and methods, qualitative research methods, mixed methods, and economic evaluation.

Prerequisite Coursework: EPI 512 and EPI 513; BIOST 517 and BIOST 518 (or equivalent statistics courses); and G H 541.
Offered: Autumn

G H 541 Fundamentals of Implementation Science in Global Health (4 credits)
Instructors: K. Gimbel-Sherr, J. Wasserheit

Provides an introduction to the emerging field of implementation research by outlining various methods that are applied to improving implementation (including applied engineering, management tools, health systems, and policy research), and using experiential case studies from global health leaders. Addresses barriers to effective replication and scale-up in local settings.

Offered: Spring

Center for AIDS Research Implementation Science Mini-Course

This one-day mini-course, targeting program managers and researchers, is held annually immediately following the annual Principles of HIV/STD Research Course, and provides an introduction to the theory, methodology, and application of implementation science for HIV/STD programs in developing countries. Speakers from diverse backgrounds (including industrial & systems engineering, qualitative research, health systems and policy sciences, epidemiology, and biostatistics) will discuss the application of their fields to improve implementation and scale-up of evidence-based programs.

To learn more, please visit the course website.

Photo of students attending the 2018 CFAR one day course