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Requests for Applications

2021 Pilot Study Funding Opportunity

The University of Washington Implementation Science Program invites pilot study applications for funding up to $50,000 to stimulate interdisciplinary research on adopting and integrating evidence-based health interventions into public health, clinical practice, and community settings (e.g., workplace, school, place of worship).

  • To support pilot studies that will generate preliminary data for larger, extramural grant applications, and
  • To support new collaborations that spark creativity and innovation in implementation science.
Suzzallo Library at the University of Washington Seattle campus at night is lit by purple floodlights, with a sculpture in the foreground and the moon beyond.

Responsive applications identify a know-do gap; address an implementation research question; use an implementation research theory, model, or framework; and employ an appropriate study design. Examples of relevant research topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Studies of strategies to implement health promotion, prevention, screening, early detection, and diagnostic interventions, as well as effective treatments, clinical procedures or guidelines into existing care systems.
  • Studies of the local adaptation of evidence-based practices in the context of implementation.
  • Longitudinal and follow-up studies on the factors that contribute to the sustainability of evidence-based interventions in public health and clinical practice.
  • Studies on reducing or stopping ("de-implementing") the use of clinical and community practices that are ineffective, unproven, low-value, or harmful.

  • Studies of the relationship of context and local capacity of clinical and community settings to adoption, implementation, and sustainability of evidence-based practices.
  • Prospective or retrospective studies of the adoption, implementation, and sustainability of health policies and their interaction with programs and contextual factors.
  • Studies of strategies to impact organizational structure, climate, culture, and processes to enable dissemination and implementation of clinical/public health information and effective clinical/public health interventions.
  • Development of valid and reliable D&I-relevant outcome and process measures.

Applications that focus exclusively or primarily on intervention development and evaluation will not be considered responsive. Submission instructions can be found below.

Request for Applications Timeline