March 1, 2020

ImPlementation REsearCh to DEvelop Interventions for People Living with HIV (the PRECluDE consortium): Combatting chronic disease comorbidities in HIV populations through implementation research


Joyonna Carrie Gamble-George, Christopher T. Longenecker, Allison R. Webel, David H. Au, Arleen F. Brown, Hayden Bosworth, Kristina Crothers, William E. Cunningham, Kevin A. Fiscella, Alison B. Hamilton, Christian D. Helfrich, Joseph A. Ladapo, Amneris Luque, Jonathan N. Tobin, Gail E. Wyatt, Implementation Research to Develop Interventions for People Living with HIV (PRECluDE) Consortium

University of Washington affiliated authors are displayed in bold.

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Published: March 2020

Read the full text in the subscription access journal Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases