October 21, 2021

Evaluating and optimizing a virtual care model for PrEP delivery

Dr. Melissa Mugambi headshot

Funding has been awarded to principal investigator Dr. Melissa Mugambi by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for "Evaluating and optimizing a virtual care model for PrEP delivery."



Dr. Mugambi will partner with an e-pharmacy and an implementing organization in Kenya to jointly develop and evaluate an end-to-end platform to support a client to initiate and continue PrEP through a virtual care model. The specific PrEP products to be delivered through this platform include TDF/FTC daily oral PrEP and Dapivirine Ring, with consideration to support the delivery of a monthly oral formulation after 2024 if Islatravir proves safe and efficacious in phase 3 trial.